Sunday 15 October 2017

Get Safe Security System Review 2017

If you think that all home security companies are the same, you are wrong. While most fall into a predictable model, once in a while you find a company that fits what you were looking for. GetSafe could very well be that company.

With so many hone security providers it’s kind of a unknown when it comes to equipment. But with GetSafe you don’t need to wonder. They will provide you with high-end devices that are comparable to companies like Apple and Sonos.

You will need to install your GetSafe system, but it is very easy to do.

One thing that you won’t find with GetSafe is the traditional wall mounted control panel. You don’t need it, and honestly, with how much a smartphone can do, no one really needs it. You can use the app to manage all of your devices. The system is also compatible with Nest devices so you can control the temperature in your house using the GetSafe if you have a Nest thermostat.

If smartphones aren’t your thing, you can use the key-fob, it works just like the one you use with your car.

GetSafe Packages

There are two primary plans with GetSmart. The first is the no contract option, and the second is the annual contract option. Once you select the contract option you want, next you will need to choose if you want GetSafe’s professional monitoring service, or if you would rather monitor your system on your own.

These are the current package offered by GetSafe:

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DIY Made Easy

Not all DIY home security systems are created equal. Some come with page after page of complicated in instructions and so many cords that you end up frustrated and confused. This is why we love the GetSafe starter kit. It is the easiest system I have ever set up, and as I say every time, I am horrible at installing things.

It is also easy to uninstall, so if you need to move, you can just pack it up and reinstall it at the new location. It also great if you are renting, because it moves with you.



If you are expecting a sad box full of out-dated white plastic devices that predate the dinosaur, you won’t find them here. What you get from GetSafe is actually quite clever. It doesn’t let on that it is a security system. It just looks like your other modern electronic devices, so it won’t stick out like a sore thumb.

You will get a basic system that includes a smart hub, motion detector, entry sensor and a siren. You can choose to add additional equipment based on what you need.


One Hell of an App

You do everything on the GetSafe app. And even if you have never seen a smartphone or tablet, you can use this app. It lets you arm and disarm your system, check the battery life of your devices, set rules, add and manage other users and view video.

If you think you need a wall panel you need to hop off that brontosaurus and just try the app. It will make managing your home security system so easy. And it doesn’t need wires or screws. Wall panels are nice, but smartphone apps are nicer.


No Contract

Two of our favorite words are no and contract. While you can opt into a contract with GetSafe, you can also choose to not have a contract. While you do pay upfront for the equipment, you also own it. So you want to try another provider (make sure that the equipment is compatible and that they will let you use it) you can. It’s your stuff.

If you do choose to sign an annual agreement, you can get your basic equipment $0. You do have to make a one year commitment, which is not too bad. But you have no messy cancellations fees, and it’s amicable, they won’t keep calling you every morning at 4am to remind you that they were the best home security company that you ever had.


Monitoring Service

GetSafe as a UL-certified professional monitoring service that is there for you 24/7. You will pay $35 per month, but you also get AT&T cellular back-up, which means if the power is out, your system can still connected to the monitoring service. So you are never without professional support.

In Conclusion

Keeping your home safe is something we all need to do. GetSafe just makes it a little easy and a lot cooler. While you do have to pay for the equipment, you aren’t tied down with a contract. And it is so easy to install. And easy to move.  So if you want some cool home security devices and professional monitoring service, GetSafe is a safe bet.

  • You have no contract and no cancellation fee
  • Easy do it yourself installation
  • You can manage everything, even your Nest thermostat using the app
  • GetSafe offer wireless cameras with free cloud storage.
  • Professional monitoring at a UL-certified center
  • Great customer support
  • Month to month requires you to buy the equipment.
  • You need to keep batteries around if the camera is on all day and night.

The post Get Safe Security System Review 2017 appeared first on Home Security List.


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